This evening I was running to supermarket to resupply myself with 7up (I drank the last 2.5 litres, so I needed new bottle). I ran with faster pace, and it was good, I was not tired although I ran significantly faster that distance than before.
♪ Run and Smile ♪
-And so you just ran?- -Yeah!- Forrest Gump (the movie)
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Previous Posts
- I continued to explore the new path in park. Again...
- Today is my day for longer run, but I was not insp...
- Well, I had nice rhythm in running today, so my br...
- Today I woke up in 4 am because it was big storm o...
- Today I ran in the evening, about 7pm, I felt a fe...
- Fresh and sunny morning again. Weather is oscillat...
- Fresh sunny morning today. I run early in order to...
- Last night was unusually hot - temperature in Belg...
- Very sunny and summer day today, and I was running...
- Sunny sunday in Belgrade. I decided earlier that I...
About Me
- Name: runner-D
- Location: Belgrade, Serbia, Serbia
Good thing about running is that you can set a FIXED goal (be it time or distance) and then you can try to transcend it in time.
Current world population (estimated): 8,222,340,859.
Run and smile, smile and run, my brothers and sisters in the World... so you live in peace, and make no war!
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(poll added on 18.12.2006.)
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