Thursday, November 16, 2006

Srce na teren! (Heart to the Playground!)

Our girls won the bronze medal on Women's World Volleyball Championship in Japan. That is unimaginable success!!! Nobody expected medal from them before the start but they were so brave and played so much from the heart for their country. When we heard that they got the medal, our eyes were full of tears, tears of joy and gratitude. Thank you so much, you are our heroes... and I will today sing together with you, your song (the song which we all sung as children) - U svetu postoji jedno carstvo, u njemu caruje drugarstvo, u njemu je sve lepo, u njemu je sve nežno, u njemu se svet raduje (There is a kingdom in the world, in it friendship reigns, in it everything is beautiful, in it everything is tender, in it the world rejoices) Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
Your bronze shines with golden shine. Mnogo Vam hvala, devojke, mnogo Vam hvala!!!!!

Today also is one more jubilee, oh well, exactly six months of my every day blogging here, and if we forget one day when I unintentionally skipped running (because I fell asleep when I was supposed to run :) today is also 6 months of my everyday running. What sounds better - six months or half a year :) Well, in all this time there were days when I ran under one kilometer, and there were days when I ran more than 6 kilometers daily. I experienced much oscillation, but what is more important I experienced much inner joy that running gives. Running is discovering. Every day you discover joy in the new form. There is ocean of joy within us I firmly believe, and by running we are learning to swim in that ocean.

joy, joy, joy - gratitude, gratitude, gratitude

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